Thursday, March 29, 2012

Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die

Saturday, March 24, 2012

She's going out to forget they were together
All that time he was taking her for granted
She wants to see if there's more
than he gave she's looking for

He calls her up
He's trippin on the phone now
He doesn't want her out there
And alone now
He knows she's movin it
Knows she's using it
Now he's losing it
She don't care

Everybody put up your hands
Say I don't wanna be in love

Monday, March 19, 2012

MoeP.A.R.K 2012

Kristina Toome "Lampara"

Went to Paide, where took place MoeP.A.R.K 2012. Love those dresses, they're just so amazing. Whole MoeP.A.R.K was great and those people were so awsm. It was so good to do something like this over a very long time. More pictures coming up !


Alates 8.40

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I promise, I'll write soon, but for now, my darling is the best boy a girl can have. Never been happier :)
I'm not afraid of anything, even time,
It'll eke away at everything but we'll be fine. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Maybe it's better that way ?
 You don’t get burned
Cause nothing gets through
It makes it easier
Easier on you
But that much more difficult for me
To make you see...

Love ain’t fair
So there you are
My love

Your heart’s a mess
You won’t admit to it
It makes no sense
But I’m desperate to connect
And you, you can’t live like this

Your heart’s a mess
You won’t admit to it
It makes no sense
But I’m desperate to connect
And you, you can’t live like this

Love ain’t safe
You won’t get hurt if you stay chaste
So you can wait
But I won't waste my love

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ma lähen ja tulen, a kumb neist domineerib ?

Äkki ongi nii, et kergelt tuleb ja kaob nii ruttu,
Lõppu näha juba alguses, eesmärk hävineb, kaotan valvsuse.

Vahel võiks kõik olla nii, et miski ei muutu kunagi,
et ma lihtsalt lähen ja tulen ja lähen ja tulen ja kõik on ikka veel siin.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cause I simply have best boyfriend ever.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

He pulled you closer said he'll never let go
You couldn't trust him but you never said no
In that moment he made you forgot how it feels when he's gone
a mnje vabsje pohui.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dreamed of para- para- paradise, every time she closed her eyes.

Sometimes I just think, why do I even exist. I'm so dumb & I fcking hate, that I'm so moody. Have no idea, why do I have to fuck everything up when my life's just perfect. He's perfect. Oh god, I have to change, I really do. I had so nice International Women's Day, my honey made it so perfect. Don't have words. Made some pancakes & he brought me roses. They're really pretty. I'm so pleased with him, I'm so happy with him, everything is just too perfect, I'm so afraid that I will blow it somehow and I don't want to do that. He's everything I've ever wanted and now when I have him, I act like some bitch, who doesn't care. What is wrong with me ????? I'm so sorry for that. Thanks honey for the best day ever !

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tell me baby, will you be here when I wake up
Even with no make up
I don't want to fake it

And you don't gotta doubt a second if I miss you
Everytime I'm with you
I feel naked

If I told you girl
Come and run away with me
Now will you throw it all away for me
I need to know that, need to know that
It's not over

Cause you were the boy
Daddy told you to stay away from me
But you're nothing but a fantasy
I need to know that, need to know that
You'd be strong enough to believe in us

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I just don't know what's happening.

Heaven doesn't seem far away.

I think that I may write more often now. Maybe all I'm writing about is him, so don't read or don't be mad. It's just.. Oh I don't know. I'm so amazed and suprised, I really don't know what I feel. It's just everything, it's HIM. He's just perfect, everything in him is so good. I have no fcking idea, what is this x-factor, what makes him so special, but there's something, that even I couldn't understand. Still.. I know, it's in him, somewhere. I love the way he makes me feel, how happy he makes me feel. I love the way he makes me smile, laugh. I love his eyes, his lips, his arms. I could just lie and cuddle all day. I have never felt anything like this. With him I'm happiest girl ever, I just can't help myself. It's the way it is and I sincerely hope that it's the way it all stays. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hey I heard you were a wild one.

I am the happiest girl alive, really. I have no idea, how can someone mean so much to me with so little time. All I know - he means so much and even more with every day. I feel like a little girl, it's so good and weird at the same time, I just don't know what to think or do. All I know is that I will do anything for him and for this thing to work, I just can't fck up this time. Oh well, here and now it feels good, that's all I want. I haven't been so happy since... ever..? so whatever, I enjoy every minute of it !

Saturday, March 3, 2012

ÖÜÜÖÜÕÕÜÖÄÄÖÜÖÜÜÄÄÄ, I have no words to describe how insanely happy I am. Everything just too goooood. Love my life and these people and oh god, I just love you all !

Friday, March 2, 2012

I live it all the way to the limit !

Sauks. Pole ammu kirjutanud. Võib-olla on see viimane eesti keelne postitus siin, sest kuna ma juba twitteri tegin inglise keelseks, siis mõtlesin, et teen seda ka blogiga. Mul on endal veidi kergem siis kirjutada ka. Ühesõnaga siis.. Reisi saaksin kirjeldada ainult sõnadega hämmastav, super ja lihtsalt no niiiii amazing. Armusin veel rohkem Londonisse. Soovitan kõigile, minge ! Reis tõsiselt meeldis, varsti ilmselt panen siia ka pildid üles, aga mul hetkel pole olnud viitsimist sellega tegeleda. Kõige rohkem meeldisid need massive kingapoed, kus ma oleksin hea meelega hulluks läinud. Ja vaatamisväärsused. Ja no Harrodsi toidupood, võiksin seal elada. Ma ei oska väga hästi oma reisimuljeid avaldada, aga oli tõesti super ja hotell ja spaa veel paremad ! Tahaksin juba tagasi minna.
Üleüldiselt on hetkel kõik nii-nii hea, ma ei tea, mida elult veel tahta. Meest äkki ? Ei tunne isegi igatsust mitte kellegi järgi hetkel, võib-olla on ka põhjuseks see, et mu ümber on niipalju nii häid sõpru, et mul pole isegi aega sellega tegeleda või sellele mõelda. Tahaks vahepeal kõiki lihtsalt kallistada surnuks. Kui mõni sündmus ära jätta, siis on mu elu täiesti perfektne. Arvasin, et peale reisi on koolis kõik .. jah, aga olen kõik järeltööd ja kt'd ära teinud ja hinded on väga head, olen superrahul ! Ja ma tahan koolis käia, isegi kui vahepeal tahaks osad inimesed seal klassis maha lüüa. Viimased päevad on ka nii hästi möödunud, ma olen väga heas tujus olnud ning kevad ja päike liiguvad iga päevaga lähemale, mis tähendab seda, et ma muutun aina rõõmsamaks. Hommikul on nii hea ärgata, kui teed  silmad lahti, vaatad akanast välja ja sealt paistab sulle tõusev päike tuppa. Kõik hommikud muudab see paremaks. Täna on esimene päev, kui ma tunnen ka väsimust, ilmselt sellest, et eile jõudsin kell 4 magama alles. Läks natuke halvasti sellega, but it was worth it ! Loodan megalahedat nv'd veel lahedamate inimestega ja päiksega ja toiduga ja aina soojemate kraadidega. Gotta love life ! muah